This web site is about Peter’s 1350 gallon reef aquarium. Included are the trials and tribulations of the initial installation and set-up, ongoing developments, as well as a series of lessons learned and best practices discovered along the way.
This web site will not be used for communication. If you would like to contact Peter or Shawn, please use the existing thread on Reef Central or send them a Private Message (PM) on Reef Central where Peter is user “nineball” and Shawn is user “Mr.Wilson”.
The tank has been called Four Masters as it includes design elements in modern coral reef aquarium design modeled after four luminaries in the home reef aquarium field from the Large Tanks forum on Reef Central. Many of the early images, lessons learned and photos on this site first appeared there.
The first of the Four Masters to be named was Chingchai Uerokrongtham. His thread on Reef Central and the web cam on his personal web site are valuable resources for anyone interested in building a super-aquarium.
The remaining three Masters will be named in the near future.