Welcome to Peter’s Contest Page
The game is quite simple. A recent photo of one end of Peter’s reef tank has been chosen by the team. The contest has been broken into two categories.
The first category is simply to count the number of fish in the image at the near end of the tank.
The second category is to name the fish in the image at the near end of the tank. If you can give both the common and scientific names for each fish you score higher.
You may enter both categories, of course. You may enter as often as you like, but only your last entry received before the deadline will be considered as valid.
What’s it worth? For each category, Peter is putting up a gift certificate for goods purchased from any Reef Central sponsor. Each certificate is valued at CDN$500. In the case of a tie the prize will be split.
Careful! There are some tricky fish to spot, let alone identify. Also, there are some reflections in the glass that don’t count. Fish that are too far away to see in focus or that are not in the end of the tank near the camera do not count.
Click on the image above to take you to the image on Phanfare. If you try to Save the image as it appears in your Browser you will probably find it is too small for you to get any accurate idea of the fish.
It is better to use this link to the Contest folder. The Contest Image is the fourth from the left in the top row, IMG_9548.jpg. Use Phanfare’s Download option that appears on-screen with the image to save a much larger copy to your computer (5616 x 3744 pixels @ 61.6 MB).
The other images in the Contest folder may help you in determining the names of some of the fish found in the officially designated Contest Image (IMG_9548.jpg).
The Contest Dates are:
Start: August 22nd, 2011
Finish: September 6th, 2011 at 12:00 midnight EDT
Please forward your Contest entries to: contest at petersfishtank dot com
Good luck!
Count the Fish: Winner is RC user Russter
Name the Fish: Winner is RC user FLA2341
Number of fish in the image is 35. Following is the Answers Image and a list of fish.
Count Common Name Scientific Name Total
by Type
1 Bluegreen Chromis Chromis viridis 11
2 Bluegreen Chromis Chromis viridis
3 Blue Chromis Chromis cyanea 2
4 Banggai Cardinal Pterapogon kauderni 2
5 Bluestriped Fairy Wrasse Cirrhilabrus timinicki 1
6 Banggai Cardinal Pterapogon kauderni
7 Bluegreen Chromis Chromis viridis
8 Bluegreen Chromis Chromis viridis
9 Bluegreen Chromis Chromis viridis
10 Bluegreen Chromis Chromis viridis
11 Vanderbilt’s Chromis Chromis vanderbilti 1
12 Bluegreen Chromis Chromis viridis
13 Bluegreen Chromis Chromis viridis
14 Bluegreen Chromis Chromis viridis
15 Bluegreen Chromis Chromis viridis
16 Fathead Anthias Serranocirrhitus latus 1
17 Yellow Tang Zebrasoma flavesenes 1
18 Powder Blue Tang Acanthurus leucosternon 1
19 Regal/Blue Hippo Tang Paracanthurus hepatus 1
20 Mimic Tang Acanthurus pyroferus 1
21 Foxfaced Rabbitfish Siganus vulpinus 1
22 Blue Chromis Chromis cyanea
23 Bluegreen Chromis Chromis viridis
24 Sailfin Tang Zebrasoma desjardini 2
25 Bicolour Pygmy Angel Centropyge bicolour 1
26 Mystery Wrasse Pseudocheillinus ocellatus 1
27 Purple Tang Zebrasoma xanthurum 1
28 Maroon Clownfish Premnas biaculeatus 1
29 Moorish Idol Zanclus canescens 1
30 Powder Brown Tang Acanthurus japonicus 1
31 Sailfin Tang Zebrasoma desjardini
32 Bluespotted Jawfish Opistognathus rosenblatti 1
33 Spotted Mandarin Goby Synchiropus picturatus 1
34 Bluesided Fairy Wrasse Cirrhilabrus cyanopleura 1
35 Shrimpfish Aeoliscus strigatus 1